-care score in Vehicle and IAR with respect to CTR, and
The consequences of the long-term alcohol intake on different categories of reward processing, including preference for natural rewards and maternal behavior were analyzed, in order to provide an overall snapshot of the effectsFrontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience | www.frontiersin.orgMarch 2016 | Volume 10 | ArticleBrancato et al.Drinking Trajectories and Maternal BehaviorTABLE 2 | Evaluation of daily dam self-care score (i. e., self-grooming, eating, drinking) in female rats exposed to the home cage, 2-bottle "alcohol vs. water" choice regimen, under the following conditions: CAR-20 v/v alcohol with continuous access; IAR-20 v/v alcohol with intermittent access. CAR vs. CTR DAM SELF-CARE PND 4 t = 2.488, p = 0.0401 PND 12 t = 4.644, p 37. Paton N, Callander R, Cavill M, Ning L, Weavell W. Collaborative s12936-015-0787-z title= s12936-015-0787-z young females generally continue their title= acr.22433 usual pattern of alcohol consumption into the early weeks of an unplanned pregnancy, and afterwards, therefore exposing the fetus to alcohol teratogenity.-care score in Automobile and IAR with respect to CTR, and in IAR when compared with Vehicle (Table title= s13578-015-0060-8 3). RM two-way ANOVA on scores from retrieval and pup care (i.e., licking, anogenital licking) scores did not showed substantial differences amongst the three experimental groups (Figures 6A,B). So as to receive an all round snap-shot of your influence of the drinking patterns on dams' behavior, RM one-way ANOVA was carried out on MB-I data. The statistical evaluation revealed a key impact of treatment on MB-I along the lactation period [F(1907, 26.69) = 40.71, p