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Enfermagem 2016;24: ePMAQ areas Dimension Variables 1 n ( ) Yes No [ Na.85-88 Only one of those research evaluated 1940-0640-8-15 treatment cost of] Coordination of care 826 b(4.83) 1.310 (7.66) 2 n ( ) 818 (4.78) 1.439 (8.41) 3 n ( ) 1.104 (6.45) 1.405 (8.21) 4 n ( ) 1.474 (8.62) 1.785 (10.44) 5 n ( ) 1.353 (7.91) 1.449 (8.47) 6 n ( ) 2.385 [ title= journal.pone.0092276] (13.94) p valueKeep a record of high risk patients referred to other points of care (n=17.104) 0.000*1.756 (10.27)There is a document proving (n= Yes No 605 (7.60) [ title= 1471-244X-13-141] 221 (2.78) 638 (8.02) 180 (2.26) 913 (11.47) 191 (2.40) 1.206 (15.15) 268 (3.37) 1.132 (14.22) 221 (2.78) 1.978 (24.85) 407 (5.11) 0.000*There are protocols that guide the prioritization of cases needing referral (n=17.037) Yes No 581 (3.41) 1.558 (9.14) 613 (3.60) 1.636 (9.60) 807 (4.74) 1.685 (9.89) 1.213 (7.12) 2.036 (11.95) 1.228 (7.21) 1.567 (9.20) 2.907 (17.06) 0.1.206 (7.08)There is a regulation center (n=17.201) Yes Integration No 1.880 (10.93) 284 (1.65) 2.006 (11.66) 267 (1.55) 2.239 (13.02) 288 (1.67) 2.907 (16.90) 359 (2.09) 2.540 (14.77) 274 (1.59) 4.027 (23.41) 130 (0.76) 0.000*There is a referral form for patients moving to other points of care (n=17.201) Yes No 1.752 (10.19) 412 (2.40) 1.828 (10.63) 445 (2.59) 2.138 (12.43) 389 (2.26) 2.970 (17.27) 296 (1.72) 2.615 (15.20) 199 (1.16) 4.055 (23.57) 102 (0.59) 0.0000*Receive enough basic medicines from pharmacy to serve its population (n=17.161) Yes No Do not receive 1.459 (8.50) 378 (2.20) 316 (1.84) 1.490 (8.68) 457 (2.66) 320 (1.86) 1.722 (10.03) 614 (3.58) 187 (1.09) 2.210 (12.88) 644 (3.75) 406 (2.37) 1.830 (10.66) 718 (4.18) 263 (1.53) 2.898 (16.89) 2.077 (6.28) 172 (1.00) 0.0000*Offers service of complementary and integrative practices for patients of the area (n=17.199) Yes Supply No 235 (1.37) 1.929 (11.22) 230 (1.34) 2.042 (11.87) 305 (1.77) 2.222 (12.92) 381 (2.22) 2.885 (16.77) 512 (2.98) 2.301 (13.38) 1.546 (8.99) 2.611 (15.18) 0.0000*Conducts home visits (n=17.199) Yes No 2.146 (12.48) 18 (0.10) 2.262 (13.15) 10 (0.06) 2.521 (14.66) 6 (0.03) 3.253 (18.91) 13 (0.08) 2.802 (16.29) 11 (0.06) 4.148 (24.12) 9 (0.05) 0.0075*The families in the coverage area are visited at intervals according to risk and vulnerability assessment? (n=17.132) Yes No* p value statistically significant (p
Enfermagem 2016;24: ePMAQ areas [ 30) 37 (22) 0.3194b Liver 6 (14) 47 (28) 0.0766b Adrenal three (7) 46 (27) 0.0042b Bone 7 (16) 30 (18) 1.0000b Pancreas 1 (2) 4 (two) 1.0000b Time from] Dimension Variables 1 n ( ) Yes No Coordination of care 826 b(4.83) 1.310 (7.66) 2 n ( ) 818 (4.78) 1.439 (8.41) 3 n ( ) 1.104 (6.45) 1.405 (8.21) 4 n ( ) 1.474 (8.62) 1.785 (10.44) 5 n ( ) 1.353 (7.91) 1.449 (8.47) 6 n ( ) 2.385 [ title= journal.pone.0092276] (13.94) p valueKeep a record of high risk patients referred to other points of care (n=17.104) 0.000*1.756 (10.27)There is a document proving (n= Yes No 605 (7.60) [ title= 1471-244X-13-141] 221 (2.78) 638 (8.02) 180 (2.26) 913 (11.47) 191 (2.40) 1.206 (15.15) 268 (3.37) 1.132 (14.22) 221 (2.78) 1.978 (24.85) 407 (5.11) 0.000*There are protocols that guide the prioritization of cases needing referral (n=17.037) Yes No 581 (3.41) 1.558 (9.14) 613 (3.60) 1.636 (9.60) 807 (4.74) 1.685 (9.89) 1.213 (7.12) 2.036 (11.95) 1.228 (7.21) 1.567 (9.20) 2.907 (17.06) 0.1.206 (7.08)There is a regulation center (n=17.201) Yes Integration No 1.880 (10.93) 284 (1.65) 2.006 (11.66) 267 (1.55) 2.239 (13.02) 288 (1.67) 2.907 (16.90) 359 (2.09) 2.540 (14.77) 274 (1.59) 4.027 (23.41) 130 (0.76) 0.000*There is a referral form for patients moving to other points of care (n=17.201) Yes No 1.752 (10.19) 412 (2.40) 1.828 (10.63) 445 (2.59) 2.138 (12.43) 389 (2.26) 2.970 (17.27) 296 (1.72) 2.615 (15.20) 199 (1.16) 4.055 (23.57) 102 (0.59) 0.0000*Receive enough basic medicines from pharmacy to serve its population (n=17.161) Yes No Do not receive 1.459 (8.50) 378 (2.20) 316 (1.84) 1.490 (8.68) 457 (2.66) 320 (1.86) 1.722 (10.03) 614 (3.58) 187 (1.09) 2.210 (12.88) 644 (3.75) 406 (2.37) 1.830 (10.66) 718 (4.18) 263 (1.53) 2.898 (16.89) 2.077 (6.28) 172 (1.00) 0.0000*Offers service of complementary and integrative practices for patients of the area (n=17.199) Yes Supply No 235 (1.37) 1.929 (11.22) 230 (1.34) 2.042 (11.87) 305 (1.77) 2.222 (12.92) 381 (2.22) 2.885 (16.77) 512 (2.98) 2.301 (13.38) 1.546 (8.99) 2.611 (15.18) 0.0000*Conducts home visits (n=17.199) Yes No 2.146 (12.48) 18 (0.10) 2.262 (13.15) 10 (0.06) 2.521 (14.66) 6 (0.03) 3.253 (18.91) 13 (0.08) 2.802 (16.29) 11 (0.06) 4.148 (24.12) 9 (0.05) 0.0075*The families in the coverage area are visited at intervals according to risk and [ F ET. We reported a study on the effect of alcohol] vulnerability assessment? (n=17.132) Yes No* p value statistically significant (p

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