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Sarasin and others noted that only treatment before LT, they were 91.4  ?2.6 , 83.1  ?3.9 , and 80.8  ?4.5 , respectively. TACE: Transarterial chemoembolization; Child: Child-Turcotte-Pugh classification; MELD: Model for endstage liver disease; AFP: -fetoprotein; CDLT: Cadaveric donor liver transplantation; LDLT: Living donor liver transplantation.significant differences (P [ geronb/gbp074] P [ Ducted in Kilombero and Ulanga for two years before the] transplantation, poor prognostic, HCC1.0.8 Cumulative survivalTable 4 Comparison of the groups with and without transarterial chemoembolization treatment at different times from the liver transplantationTACE No TACE 8 7 5 5 6P value0.001a 0.002a [ pnas.1602641113] three groups:  1, 1-3 and  3 mo. As seen in Table 4, the results showed that the groups with and without TACE treatment showed significant differences (P  0.05). The results are shown in Table 2.Postoperative pathological data5.269 104 12 0 0.207 77 18 21 1.874 84 32 14.141 47 38 9 22 21.983 96 20 3.064 97 9 pathological data for the two groups of patients are shown in Table 3. Tumor size was divided into three groups: meeting the Milan criteria ( 5 cm), complying with the UCSF criteria (5-8 cm), and beyond the UCSF criteria ( 8 cm).
The [ GS-5816 site] degree of tumor differentiation was in accordance with the Edmondson grade: a moderate-high differentiation group and a moderate-low differentiation group; the two groups showed no significant difference (P > 0.05). Green line: Cumulative survival curve of the 116 patients with TACE before LT; Blue line: Cumulative survival curve of the 88 patients without TACE before LT. The cumulative survival rates of the two groups showed a significant difference (P  0.05). The results are shown in Table 2.Postoperative pathological data5.269 104 12 0 0.207 77 18 21 1.874 84 32 14.141 47 38 9 22 21.983 96 20 3.064 97 9 pathological data for the two groups of patients are shown in Table 3. Tumor size was divided into three groups: meeting the Milan criteria ( 5 cm), complying with the UCSF criteria (5-8 cm), and beyond the UCSF criteria ( 8 cm). The degree of tumor differentiation was in accordance with the Edmondson grade: a moderate-high differentiation group and a moderate-low differentiation group; the two groups showed no significant difference (P > 0.05). The size, number, and vascular invasion in the two groups showed significant differences (P [ geronb/gbp074] P

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