Psychic Reading - What a Psychic Truly Sees

What does it truly all mean? Nicely, the word psychic itself comes from the Greek word "psychikos" meaning 'of the mind' or 'mental'. This can be actually translated as: having the capability to see or perceive hidden information beyond the regular senses, generally known as extrasensory perception or ESP.

Psychic skills are largely written off by the common public as the domain of weird fortune tellers, mystics and mediums. Or even clairvoyants and tarot readers, giving their psychic readings of the previous, present and future.

There is very little sincere information on what this human gift is and what it entails. Every individual, every and every second of the day, is psychically linked to all that is happening about them. Whether or not they are aware of it or not. It is the interconnectedness of our deeply hidden, subconscious natural capability to sense and perceive life.

Psychic reading is tuning into the emotional state of people. It is about being completely open in awareness and seeing the signatures of their life experiences - their past, present and future possible. This is resonating in their energy field around the human body and is what we call 'The Aura'.

Each life experience and memory you have ever had is recorded and is carried in your auric field as expressed and suppressed emotional energy. I call it a signature of action that mirrors you. I say the word signature simply because it very best describes your distinctive life experience held in and about your body's energy field. I say it mirrors you because it reflects your personality.

We are by nature sentient beings, we are like human radars sending out sensory pulses that bounce back to us. This triggers two-way feelings and impressions, which is how psychic reading starts. The true skill is in interpreting accurately the images and impressions. The ability to trust the images that manifest from your unconscious probing, will ignite brief video clips of information, directly related to the emotional energies of the person, you are psychically connected to.

Readers, after years of genuinely sensing and visualising, recognise patterns of energy and thoughts that repeat in particular components of the aura. It is as if everything about the person has a resonance of remembered thoughts. This is what the psychic picks up on.

The future is discerned when we adhere to the emotional threads of powerful thought types, often created from repeated life patterns. These type emotionally remembered resonances in and about the human energy field. Simply because everything that exists is pure energy in its' endless vibrational type. It is completely affected by human emotion, creating the present and the future.

In a psychic or clairvoyant reading, from the moment you stroll in, I, just as most psychics, will sense your presence of character.When saying presence, I imply there is beautiful resonating spirit inside you. This is your accurate presence. Something that resonates out of sync with that presence will be where my interest is drawn. This encompasses the full range of human emotions, fear, love, joy, pain and turmoil. All this input occurs within seconds. Everything about you talks to me. The psychic's first impression is a springboard to understanding the real person without criticism or judgment.

video psychic readings is a fad that is gradually rising.

Zuletzt geändert am 13. Oktober 2017 um 14:09