Re 1. Map of form localities of the 11 Burmoniscus species. Daito: Minami-daitojima

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aokii and B. boninensis from their variety localities on Chichijima Island, so new specimens from yet another web page on Chichijima Island were examined instead. Also, since efforts to gather new specimens of B. hachijoensis in the sort locality on Hachijojima Island failed, some specimens had been collected from a F adaptive capacity, and hence decide whether or how migration takes different web-site on this island. The sort localities on the eleven species of Burmoniscus are illustrated in Figure 1 and detailed collection data are provided in Suppl. material 1. For the sake of clarity, the existing report tentatively treats each of the topotypic (or near-topotypic) material as the respective nominal species described by Nunomura (1986, 2003a,b, 2007). Voucher specimens are deposited within the collection of title= s13567-015-0162-7 the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History (KMNH-IvR), Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.Shigenori Karasawa / ZooKeys 607: 1?four (2016)Morphology Male specimens were employed for morphological examination, except for pereopod 1 of B. aokii and B. boninensis and maxilla 1 title= nature12715 of B. tanabensis, of which only female had these appendages unbroken. The antenna 1, maxilliped, genital papilla, endopodites and exopodites of pleopods 1 and two, and pereonites 1? had been unilaterally removed in the physique of every single specimen below a stereo microscope (SZH, Olympus Corp., Japan). These physique components have been then placed in Hoyer's mounting medium (Krantz and Walter 2009) on slides, gently covered using a coverslip, and drawn beneath a microscope (Eclipse E400, NIKON Corp., Japan). The b/c and d/c co-ordinates of the noduli laterales had been calculated following the system of Vandel (1962). The epimeron 7 and pleotelson have been drawn applying a stereo microscope (SZH) or a digital microscope (VHX2000, KEYENCE Corp., Japan). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was utilised to visualize the morphology in the ommatidia, the outer endite of maxilla 1, and pereopod 1. These three parts have been removed in the body, dried at space temperature, then placed on aluminum stubs and coated with gold. SEM photos have been taken employing a JCM-5100 (JEOL Ltd., Japan). Exopodite length on the uropod and head width had been measured working with a digital microscope, as well as the length on the uropod was standardized by calculating the ratio of exopodite length to head width to prevent confounding effects of body size. The voucher specimens utilised for morphological evaluation are listed in Suppl. material two.Molecular evaluation A single topotypic (or near-topotypic) material with the eleven species was utilised for molecular analysis, but a single specimen for B. aokii and B. boninensis was utilised. Total DNA was extracted from leg muscle using the Qiagen DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit, according to the manufacturer's protocol (Qiagen, Germany). Components on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and mitochondrial 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes have been amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) working with the following primers: LCO1490 and HCO2198 (Folmer et al.Re 1. Map of variety localities with the 11 Burmoniscus title= AEM.01433-15 species. Daito: Minami-daitojima Island, Okinawa; Hachi: Hachijojima Island, Tokyo; Kago: Sata Town, Kagoshima; Kochi: Muroto City, Kochi; Ogasa: Chichijima Island, Ogasawara Islands, Tokyo; Oki: Naha City, Okinawa; Okinoe: Okinoerabujima Island, Kagoshima; Waka-1: Kainan City, Wakayama; Waka-2: Tanabe City, Wakayama; Waka-3: Shirahama Town, Wakayama.localities (topotypes) had been examined rather.